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I like to start my day as one begins to compose a work, whatever it is : everything is possible. Everything is allowed. What do I want to make me live, to make me feel ? What is the life I want ? The one I want ?

When I walk in the street, I know at once, by observing some passers-by, if their thoughts are in a mechanics a charge ("I don't do what I want") or of freedom ("I go where I want, when I want, as I want"). Subtle and yet so powerful... Because of one or the other, it is always question of an interpretation. An angle of view. A belief.

The Spanish have one and the same word for "believe" and "create". They say, "Yo creo lo creo". I create what I believe. Thus I see of the world (therefore of myself) only what I believe (of myself). One can brandish scientific analyses, explanatory diagrams, demonstrative calculations... In the end, they will always be at the service of the story that one lives, internally. They will have been, most often, found by our natural algorithm.

Is this why the wise do not see any difference between the inside and the outside, between oneself and the Other ?


In cinema, the same actor and the same story can reveal a completely different emotion depending on the eye of the cameraman or the vision of the director.

I often have this feeling that one is always heading towards one's origin, that one rushes towards what always was and always will be. I speak about this camera. Of what perceives.

Surprisingly the vision is not really in the place of the eyes. In the brain, it is in the occipital region, that is to say at the back. This look that precedes, in a way, is the one "that sees". In front, two windows open on the world.

What is perceived is only a detail. The funniest part of existence, really, is in the place that perceives. The director ! That presence. The one who directs the camera here or there, and decides to be seen this or that. To create his own film... We are that.


To the so common term "life mission", I prefer "life vision". For what I see of the world is what I am. And perhaps it is nothing more than becoming aware of what you see. To open, as in hypnotic induction, one's field of vision, to the infinite...

Then choose ! To change. To have fun.

To really know someone, don't ask him what he does for a living. Ask them what they see... you will know so much more !


The two years we have just gone through have only been able to transmit one truth to us. It is the one that shows us that everything exists. Every truth exists. There is everything. The white and the black. The void and the full. The right and the left. And for each one seeing one or the other, this world is that of the "true". Unquestionably ! Of course, all this is mostly unconscious. But I believe that, the more we connect to art, the more we question our creative part and the more we realize that we hold the camera in our hands and the script always in writing.

The script is not about wanting to decide every object in the world. It's about the way we perceive it.


The artists that I have the privilege to accompany on their deployment, often confess to me their fear of being sensitive, as if to feel everything so finely, so powerfully, of the world, was in reality an admission of weakness ! Yet the one and the other have no relation. Better : they are even opposed. You have to be so sensitive to be powerful. So connected to the finest vibrations to be master of your destiny. In truth, what we mistake for "weakness" when we feel so sensitive is not knowing what to do with it or how to direct that inner power.

An anecdote : just yesterday, taking the subway as I am used to do, that is to say free of certain current laws, I observe this time my hand, in a quarter of a second, going to pick up my old mask and wear it without me having the time to grasp the logic. No, it is not in my habits to wear it... My mind, a bit at half-mast, is amused, as if hypnotized, by this very strong feeling. I decide to listen to it. The next moment and during all my journey, I will never have seen so many supervisors, controllers and other armed policemen, coming and going in the cars of the train I was taking.

The day before, saying goodbye to a friend after an evening rich in emotions, my body turns around, nonchalant, not really managing to conclude this "goodbye". I can't explain this feeling of indecision. On my way home, I finally realize that I had left my keys in her pocket, forgetting that she was supposed to give them back to me during this evening, something she had also forgotten. My body knew.

Some people have a more emotional (heart) driving, others more spiritual or some, like me, more visceral (physical). When we are in tune with our instrument, our being, we have a power that often eludes the mind. The mistake is to believe that at this moment we are weak or ignorant ! On the contrary, we are in subtle connection with the most powerful intelligence : Life. It is this knowledge which opens, without limit, which knows and needs, of us, only an authorization.


Until our own authority - not the one that we have so much put back outside, in the costumes of those who seemed to us to embody this authority - but the one that, in us, at every moment, exerts its highest authority, our motor, it is only a question of authorizing ourselves. Simple. Powerful.

Each in his own way, among the great creators, has given his authorization. When Nietzsche declares that "God is dead", he authorizes himself and the world to transgress mental conditioning, to clear the brain of the belief of a higher authority, of an external decision-maker who has all the power over our own lives. Thelenious Monk allowed himself to play his own scale with his four stiff fingers, in a posture that belonged to him alone. Pianist Paul Wittengstein allowed himself to come onstage with one arm missing and perform with only his left hand. Mandela allowed himself to love and be happy where the whole world was waiting for him in his downfall...

Art reminds us that we are creators.

And I believe that to authorize oneself is always, at some point, to refuse. To refuse that someone or something else governs us and prevents us from being what we are. Besides, this "other" is never really our neighbor. It is rather our thoughts, our psychic references, our conditioning, our past...

Then, when we feel unhappy, we know that we feel, in reality, cut off from our power. The power to create what we are.

Our nature is that of the creator. In every second, in every place.

In me a certainty : the synonym of "create" is "love".

I wish you an autumn filled with your art, your being,

A month in the creation of who you are.


Hélène Tysman

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